"""Specific views and actions for application using the Comment entity type
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2003-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: --
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from itertools import count
from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
from cubicweb.selectors import (one_line_rset, but_etype, implements,
from cubicweb.common.uilib import rql_for_eid, cut, safe_cut, ajax_replace_url
from cubicweb.common.mixins import TreeViewMixIn
from cubicweb.web import stdmsgs, uicfg
from cubicweb.web.action import LinkToEntityAction, Action
from cubicweb.web.form import FormViewMixIn
from cubicweb.web.component import EntityVComponent
from cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers import JSonController
uicfg.rcategories.tag_relation('generated', ('*', 'comments', '*'), 'subject')
uicfg.rcategories.tag_relation('generated', ('*', 'comments', '*'), 'object')
uicfg.rmode.tag_relation('link', ('*', 'comments', '*'), 'subject')
uicfg.rmode.tag_relation('link', ('*', 'comments', '*'), 'object')
# comment views ###############################################################
class CommentPrimaryView(baseviews.PrimaryView):
entity = self.complete_entity(row, col)
# display text, author and creation date
self.w(u'<div class="comment">')
self.w(u'<div class="commentInfo">')
# do not try to display creator when you're not allowed to see CWUsers
if entity.creator:
authorlink = entity.creator.view('oneline')
self.w(u'%s %s\n' % (self.req._('written by'), authorlink))
# commented object
if entity.comments:
self.w(u", %s " % self.req._('comments'))
entity.comments[0].view('oneline', w=self.w)
# don't include responses in this view, since the comment section
# component will display them
self.w(u'<div class="commentBody">%s</div>\n'
% entity.printable_value('content'))
# XXX attribute generated_by added by email component
if hasattr(self, 'generated_by') and self.generated_by:
gen = self.generated_by[0]
link = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (gen.absolute_url(),
txt = self.req._('this comment has been generated from this %s') % link
self.w(u'<div class="commentBottom">%s</div>\n' % txt)
class CommentSecondaryView(baseviews.SecondaryView):
def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
entity = self.entity(row, col)
root = entity.root()
self.w(u'[<a href="%s">#%s</a>] '
% (html_escape(root.absolute_url()), root.eid))
maxsize = self.req.property_value('navigation.short-line-size')
maxsize = maxsize - len(str(root.eid))
content = entity.printable_value('content', format='text/plain')
content = html_escape(cut(content, maxsize))
self.w(u'<a href="%s">#%s <i>%s</i></a>\n' % (
html_escape(entity.absolute_url()), entity.eid, content))
class CommentOneLineView(CommentSecondaryView):
id = 'oneline'
class CommentTreeItemView(baseviews.ListItemView):
id = 'treeitem'
def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
_ = self.req._
action = self.vreg.select_action('reply_comment', self.req, self.rset,
editaction = self.vreg.select_action('edit_comment', self.req, self.rset,
if action is None:
reply = u''
url = ajax_replace_url('comment%sHolder' % entity.eid,
rql_for_eid(entity.eid), 'inlinecomment')
reply = ' | <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url),
if editaction is None:
edit = u''
url = ajax_replace_url('comment%s' % entity.eid,
rql_for_eid(entity.eid), 'editcomment')
edit = ' | <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url),
text = entity.printable_value('content')
if not kwargs.get('full'):
maxsize = self.req.property_value('navigation.short-line-size')
self.w(u'<div class="commentInfo">')
if entity.creator:
authorlink = entity.creator.view('oneline')
self.w(u', %s <span class="author">%s</span> \n' % (_('written by'),
self.w(u'<span class="replyto"> %s </span>' % reply)
self.w(u'<span class="replyto"> %s </span>' % edit)
self.w(u'<div class="commentBody">%s</div>\n' % text)
self.w(u'<div id="comment%sHolder"></div>' % entity.eid)
class CommentThreadView(TreeViewMixIn, baseviews.ListView):
"""a recursive tree view"""
def open_item(self, entity):
self.w(u'<li id="comment%s" class="comment">\n' % entity.eid)
# comment edition views #######################################################
class InlineCommentView(EntityView):
id = 'inlinecomment'
def cell_call(self, row, col):
entity = self.entity(row, col)
self.wview('inlinecommentform', None, commented=entity)
class InlineCommentForm(FormViewMixIn, EntityView):
__select__ = match_kwargs('commented') # explicit call when it makes sense
newcomment = self.vreg.etype_class('Comment')(self.req)
newcomment.eid =
self.comment_form(commented, newcomment)
def comment_form(self, commented, newcomment=None):
if newcomment is None:
# hack to avoid tabindex conflicts caused by Ajax requests
self.req.next_tabindex = count(20).next
jseid = dumps(commented.eid)
buttons = [Button(onclick=self.jsfunc % (jseid, 'add_comment')),
onclick=self.jsfunc % (jseid, ''))]
form = self.vreg.select_object('forms', 'edition', self.req,
self.w(u'<div id="comment%sSlot">%s</div>' % (
commented.eid, form.form_render(display_relations_form=False)))
class InlineEditCommentForm(InlineCommentForm):
self.comment_form(self.entity(row, col))
# comment component ###########################################################
class CommentSectionVComponent(EntityVComponent):
"""a component to display a <div> html section including comments
related to an object
id = 'commentsection'
__select__ = (EntityVComponent.__select__
& relation_possible('comments', 'object', 'Comment'))
req.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubes.comment.js') )
self.w(u'<div id="%s" class="%s" cubicweb:rooteid="%s">' % (
self.div_id(), self.div_class(), eid))
action = self.vreg.select_action('reply_comment', req, self.rset, row=0)
if action is not None:
url = ajax_replace_url('comment%sHolder' % eid, rql_for_eid(eid),
reply = u' (<a href="%s">%s</a>)' % (url, req._(action.title))
if req.use_fckeditor() and req.property_value('ui.default-text-format') == 'text/html':
rql = u'Any C,CD,CC,CCF,U,UL,US,UF ORDERBY CD WHERE C is Comment, '\
'C comments X, C creation_date CD, C content CC, C content_format CCF, ' \
'C created_by U?, U login UL, U firstname UF, U surname US, X eid %(x)s'
rset = req.execute(rql, {'x': eid}, 'x')
if rset.rowcount:
self.w(u'<h4>%s</h4>%s' % (req._('Comment_plural'), reply))
# XXX check registration is open. Also, propose to login.
#if self.vreg.config['anonymous-user'] == self.req.user.login:
# self.w(u' (<a href="/?vid=register">register to comment</a>)')
self.w(u'<div id="comment%sHolder"></div>' % eid)
self.w(u'<ul class="comment">')
for i in xrange(rset.rowcount):
self.wview('tree', rset, row=i, full=True)
# XXX check registration is open. Also, propose to login.
#if self.vreg.config['anonymous-user'] == self.req.user.login:
# self.w(u' (<a href="/?vid=register">register to comment</a>)')
self.w(u'<div id="comment%sHolder"></div>' % eid)
baseviews.PRIMARY_SKIP_RELS.add('comments') # displayed by the above component
# comment actions #############################################################
class ReplyCommentAction(LinkToEntityAction):
id = 'reply_comment'
__select__ = LinkToEntityAction.__select__ & implements('Comment')
etype = 'Comment'
rtype = 'comments'
target = 'subject'
title = _('reply to this comment')
category = 'hidden'
order = 111
def url(self):
rset = self.rset
comment = rset.get_entity(self.row or 0, self.col or 0)
linkto = '%s:%s:%s' % (self.rtype, comment.eid,
return self.build_url(vid='creation', etype=self.etype,
__redirectvid=self.req.form.get('vid', ''))
class AddCommentAction(LinkToEntityAction):
"""add comment is like reply for everything but Comment"""
__select__ = LinkToEntityAction.__select__ & but_etype('Comment')
title = _('add comment')
category = 'hidden'
class EditCommentAction(Action):
id = 'edit_comment'
__select__ = one_line_rset() & implements('Comment') & has_permission('update')
category = 'hidden'
order = 110
def url(self):
return self.build_url(rql=self.rset.printable_rql(), vid='edition')
# add some comments related methods to the Jsoncontroller #####################
def js_add_comment(self, commented, text, format):
self.req.execute('INSERT Comment C: C comments X, C content %(text)s, '
'C content_format %(format)s WHERE X eid %(x)s',
{'format' : format, 'text' : text, 'x' : commented}, 'x')
def js_edit_comment(self, comment, text, format):
self.req.execute('SET C content %(text)s, C content_format %(format)s '
'WHERE C eid %(x)s',
{'format' : format, 'text' : text, 'x' : comment}, 'x')