You can also find the official documentation [here](,
You can also find the official documentation [here](,
and some examples [here](
and some examples [here](
## Description of all the jobs
| Job filename | Stage | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [no-duplicated-ci-pipelines.yml](templates/no-duplicated-ci-pipelines.yml) | None | avoid running duplicate pipelines for both topic head and MR |
| [lint/black.yml](templates/lint/black.yml) | lint | run tox -e black |
| [lint/check-manifest.yml](templates/lint/check-manifest.yml) | lint | run tox -e check-manifest |
| [lint/flake8.yml](templates/lint/flake8.yml) | lint | run tox -e flake8 |
| [lint/mypy.yml](templates/lint/mypy.yml) | lint | run tox -e mypy |
| [lint/safety.yml](templates/lint/safety.yml) | lint | run tox -e safety |
| [lint/yamllint.yml](templates/lint/yamllint.yml) | lint | run tox -e yamllint |
| [tests/py27.yml](templates/tests/py27.yml) | tests | run tox -e py27 |
| [tests/py3.yml](templates/tests/py3.yml) | tests | run tox -e py3 |
| [build-debian-package.yml](templates/build-debian-package.yml) | build-debian-package, upload-deb-to-heptapod | build and upload debian packages to heptapod |
| [build-docker-image.yml](templates/build-docker-image.yml) | release | build two docker images and push them to heptapod registry (the "latest" is added when MR is merged) |
| [create-release-on-heptapod.yml](templates/create-release-on-heptapod.yml) | release | create a release on heptapod on new tags |
| [create-release-on-heptapod-including-debian-package.yml](templates/create-release-on-heptapod-including-debian-package.yml) | release | create a release on heptapod on new tags and link the debian package to it |
| [upload-to-pypi.yml](templates/upload-to-pypi.yml) | publish | upload the package to pipy on new tag using tox -e pypi-publish |
| [upload-python-package-to-heptapod.yml](templates/upload-python-package-to-heptapod.yml) | publish | upload the package to heptapod registry on new tag |