Create a CubicWeb mirror repository on FOSSHeptapod
We want to have a mirror on to use it as a public repo where people can add issues and/or propose MR. We will have to maintain the both repositories synchronized. To do so, let's push on when we release a new version of CubicWeb, for now manually. We can talk later about a CI/CD rule to push automatically.
To have a dedicated group on we will have to create an issue to let administrators checking if this is really a foss solution. The template for the issue is:
Description of the projects to be hosted
- Project Name:
- Project URL:
- Project Maintainers:
- Project License:
Please explain here how they meet our current criteria.
Main criteria
Free / Open Source -
main development repositories -
you are an official maintainer of the project -
agreement to acknowledge where appropriate the help provided by Octobus and Clever Cloud by hosting on
Additional information
Knowing this can help in case there are constraints on resources and/or administrators availability at the time of the request. It can also help us suggest the right solution for the needs of the project.
- is the project officially released? In downstream distributions or packaging systems?
- estimation of the user base if possible, or number of downloads, reverse dependencies…
- number of maintainers and regular contributors
- where is the project currently hosted? Are there issue trackers, review systems, CI/CD to hook to or to replace somehow?
Hosting type
What would you like to have?
a top-level group -
a project in an existing group -
just a project in your personal namespace
Post approval maintainer task list
See README for explanations.
Reviewing Heptapod workflow
Post import maintainer task list
Add the Octobus and Clever cloud acknowledgement at the selected place. -
Communicate about the migration to help others to aware of the options (for example on mastodon, twitter, bitbucket thread, mailing list, …)