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  • Jérémy Bobbio (Lunar)'s avatar
    [crypto] Use Cryptodome namespace instead of Crypto · 5b0ce10a7046
    Jérémy Bobbio (Lunar) authored
    PyCryptodome comes in two flavors: “an almost drop-in replacement for the old
    PyCrypto library” and “a library independent of the old PyCrypto”. The former
    uses the Crypto namespace, and is shipped as `pycryptodome` while the latter
    uses Cryptodome instead and lies in the `pycryptodomex` package.
    Given the reason to switch to PyCryptodome is that PyCrypto in unmaintained,
    its probably better to avoid any mistake and mandate the specific usage of
    the Cryptodome namespace by requiring `pycryptodomex` instead of
    A more present reason is that Debian buster will only provide a package
    with the separate namespace flavor. The current Recommends is not working with
    the current code. Although it's important to note that the package name will
    probably have to be changed to `python3-pycryptodomex` once is solved.