Before this patch, the test was done on the last child. After this patch, there is a search on all children.
This is needed for CustodialHistoryItem
Fix #15 (closed)
On local machine, the export of this seda profile ouputs the following local export. This is has to be compared to the one listed in the issue. Here is the diff:
--- "remote.rng" 2021-07-07 16:03:43.917185220 +0200
+++ "locale.rng" 2021-07-07 16:05:40.502647324 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?>
-<rng:grammar xmlns:a="" xmlns:rng="" xmlns:seda="fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2.1" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2.1" datatypeLibrary="" ns="fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2.1" seda:warnings="">
+<rng:grammar xmlns="fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2.1" xmlns:seda="fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2.1" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:rng="" xmlns:a="" ns="fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2.1" datatypeLibrary="" seda:warnings="">
<rng:element name="ArchiveTransfer">
@@ -448,7 +448,6 @@
<rng:element name="CustodialHistory">
<rng:element name="CustodialHistoryItem">
- <rng:data type="string"/>
<rng:attribute name="when">
<rng:data type="date"/>
@@ -472,7 +471,7 @@
<rng:data type="gYearMonth"/>
- <rng:value>Ces enregistrements sont transférés à l'initiative du service de l'assemblée directement vers le SAE internalisé pour conservation patrimoniale.</rng:value>
+ <rng:value type="string">Ces enregistrements sont transférés à l'initiative du service de l'assemblée directement vers le SAE internalisé pour conservation patrimoniale.</rng:value>
Ping @bnichele, could you verify the new output ?
--HG-- branch : seda21