renommer processtype
default et default-dryrun à renommer en qqch compréhensible par utilisateurs
voir aussi #45 (closed)
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- Nicolas Chauvat added To Do 📌 label
added To Do 📌 label
- Nicolas Chauvat changed the description
changed the description
- Nicolas Chauvat changed the description
changed the description
- Nicolas Chauvat changed milestone to %v0 - minimal requirements
changed milestone to %v0 - minimal requirements
- Maintainer
Je veux bien des propositions de noms, histoire de ne pas faire ce ticket plusieurs fois.
- Author Owner
default peut devenir "processus d'import standard" et default-dryrun "processus d'import standard sans publication"
1 - Olivier Giorgis assigned to @ogiorgis
assigned to @ogiorgis
- Olivier Giorgis mentioned in commit 2e4d47308bec
mentioned in commit 2e4d47308bec
- Olivier Giorgis added Doing label
added Doing label
- Olivier Giorgis removed To Do 📌 label
removed To Do 📌 label
- Simon Chabot added Doing 🏗️ label
added Doing 🏗️ label
- Simon Chabot removed Doing label
removed Doing label
- Olivier Giorgis mentioned in commit 4e1214aad943
mentioned in commit 4e1214aad943
- Elodie Thiéblin mentioned in merge request !53 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !53 (closed)
- Olivier Giorgis mentioned in commit c7f32c6fadad
mentioned in commit c7f32c6fadad
- Elodie Thiéblin mentioned in merge request !57 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !57 (merged)
- Simon Chabot closed
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