# copyright 2015 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
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"""cubicweb-compound views/forms/actions/components for web ui"""
from cubicweb.web import Redirect
from cubicweb.predicates import (one_line_rset, adaptable, has_permission,
from cubicweb.web.controller import Controller
from cubicweb.web.views import actions, ibreadcrumbs
from cubes.compound.entities import copy_entity
class CloneAction(actions.CopyAction):
"""Abstract clone action of ICloneable entities.
Simply inherit from it with a specific selector if you want to activate it.
The action will link to the copy form with shallow copy message disabled and
linkto information to rely on the clone hook for the actual cloning.
__abstract__ = True
__select__ = (actions.CopyAction.__select__ & one_line_rset()
& has_permission('add')
& adaptable('IClonable'))
title = _('clone')
def url(self):
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(self.cw_row or 0, self.cw_col or 0)
iclone = entity.cw_adapt_to('IClonable')
linkto = '%s:%s:%s' % (iclone.rtype, entity.eid, neg_role(iclone.role))
return entity.absolute_url(vid='copy', __linkto=linkto)
# In any case IClonable entities want default copy disabled since it wont handle
# composite relations by default.
actions.CopyAction.__select__ &= ~adaptable('IClonable')
class CloneController(Controller):
"""Controller handling cloning of the original entity (with `eid` passed
in form parameters). Redirects to the cloned entity primary view.
__regid__ = 'compound.clone'
__select__ = Controller.__select__ & match_form_params('eid')
def publish(self, rset=None):
eid = int(self._cw.form['eid'])
original = self._cw.entity_from_eid(eid)
iclone = original.cw_adapt_to('IClonable')
rtype = (iclone.rtype if iclone.role == 'object'
else 'reverse_' + iclone.rtype)
kwargs = {rtype: eid}
clone = copy_entity(original, **kwargs)
msg = self._cw._('clone of entity #%d created' % eid)
raise Redirect(clone.absolute_url(__message=msg))
Sylvain Thénault
class IContainedBreadcrumbsAdapter(ibreadcrumbs.IBreadCrumbsAdapter):
"""Breadcrumbs adapter returning parent defined by the IContained adapter
__select__ = ibreadcrumbs.IBreadCrumbsAdapter.__select__ & adaptable('IContained')
def parent_entity(self):
contained = self.entity.cw_adapt_to('IContained')
return contained.parent