var SparqlGenerator = require('sparqljs').Generator; // var SparqlParser = require('sparqljs').Parser; var Config = require('./SparnaturalConfig.js'); class DefaultQueryGenerator { constructor(addDistinct, typePredicate, specProvider) { this.WIDGETS_REQUIRING_VALUES = [ Config.SEARCH_PROPERTY, Config.TIME_PROPERTY_PERIOD, Config.TIME_PROPERTY_YEAR, Config.TIME_PROPERTY_DATE ] ; this.addDistinct = addDistinct; this.typePredicate = typePredicate; this.specProvider = specProvider; this.additionnalPrefixes = {}; } // add a new prefix to the generated query addPrefix(prefix, uri) { this.additionnalPrefixes[prefix] = uri; } setPrefixes(prefixes) { this.additionnalPrefixes = prefixes; } /** * Generates the query and notifies the callback **/ generateQuery(formObject) { var jsonQuery = this.newQueryJson() ; var ArrayLiIndex = [] ; $(formObject._this).find('ul.componentsListe li.groupe').each(function(i) { var data_id = $(this).attr('data-index') ; ArrayLiIndex[data_id] = ArrayLiIndex.length ; }) ; if(this.hasEnoughCriteria(formObject)) { for (var i = 0; i < formObject.components.length; i++) { jsonQuery = this.processQueryComponent( jsonQuery, formObject, ArrayLiIndex, formObject.components[i], i ); } ; var generator = new SparqlGenerator(); var generatedQuery = generator.stringify(jsonQuery); return { "generatedQuery" : generatedQuery, "jsonQuery" : jsonQuery } ; } else { return null; } } hasEnoughCriteria(formObject) { for (var i = 0; i < formObject.components.length; i++) { // if there is no value selected and the widget required one // do not process this component if( ($.inArray(formObject.components[i].CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.inputTypeComponent.widgetType, this.WIDGETS_REQUIRING_VALUES) > -1) && (formObject.components[i].CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues.length === 0) ) { continue; } else { // we will have at least one component with a criteria return true; } } ; // not enough criteria found. return false; } processQueryComponent(jsonQuery, formObject, ArrayLiIndex, component, index) { var VALUE_SELECTION_WIDGETS = [ Config.LIST_PROPERTY, Config.AUTOCOMPLETE_PROPERTY, Config.NON_SELECTABLE_PROPERTY // Pas de valeur selectionné mais sera forcement utilisé pour une Class ]; var SPARQL_GRAPHDB_SEARCH_PROPERTY = 'sparql:GraphDBSearchProperty'; var domainClass = component.CriteriaGroup.StartClassGroup.value_selected ; var property = component.CriteriaGroup.ObjectPropertyGroup.value_selected ; var rangeClass = component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassGroup.value_selected ; var dependantDe = this.GetDependantCriteria(formObject, index) ; // get index of subject and object variables var subjectVariableIndex; var objectVarIndex; if ((dependantDe != null) && (dependantDe.type == 'parent')){ subjectVariableIndex = ArrayLiIndex[] + 1; objectVarIndex = ArrayLiIndex[index] + 1; addStartClass = false ; } else { subjectVariableIndex = 0 ; objectVarIndex = ArrayLiIndex[index] + 1 ; } var subjectVariable = ""; // name start and end variables // dashes should be replaced if (subjectVariableIndex == 0) { subjectVariable = "?this"; } else { subjectVariable = '?'+this.localName(domainClass).replace("-", "_")+''+subjectVariableIndex ; } if (rangeClass != null) { var objectVariable = '?'+this.localName(rangeClass).replace("-", "_")+''+objectVarIndex ; } else { var objectVariable = null ; } // whether to add class criteria for subject or not var addStartClass = true ; if ((dependantDe != null) && (dependantDe.type == 'parent')){ addStartClass = false ; } if ((dependantDe != null) && (dependantDe.type == 'sibling')){ addStartClass = false ; } // list of triples to be inserted in the query var newBasicGraphPattern = this.initBasicGraphPattern() ; if (addStartClass) { newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(subjectVariable, this.typePredicate, domainClass)) ; } var _WidgetType = component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.inputTypeComponent.widgetType ; if ( VALUE_SELECTION_WIDGETS.indexOf(_WidgetType) !== -1 ) { if (component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues.length == 1) { // if we are in a value selection widget and we have a single value selected // then insert the value directly as the object of the triple newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(subjectVariable, property, component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues[0])) ; } else { // otherwise use a variable name as the object of the triple newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(subjectVariable, property, objectVariable)) ; } // if no value is selected add a type criteria for the object if ( component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues.length == 0 && ( !this.specProvider.isRemoteClass(component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassGroup.value_selected) && !this.specProvider.isLiteralClass(component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassGroup.value_selected) ) ) { newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(objectVariable, this.typePredicate, component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassGroup.value_selected)) ; } } else { if ( objectVariable !== null && // don't add the triple if we are on a fulltext search since this will be part of the // search clause // this.specProvider.getObjectPropertyType(property).indexOf(SPARQL_GRAPHDB_SEARCH_PROPERTY) == -1 _WidgetType != Config.GRAPHDB_SEARCH_PROPERTY ) { newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(subjectVariable, property, objectVariable)) ; } } jsonQuery.where.push(newBasicGraphPattern) ; if(component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues.length > 0 ) { var __this = this ; switch (_WidgetType) { case Config.LIST_PROPERTY: if (component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues.length > 1) { // add values clause if we have more than 1 values var jsonValues = this.initValues() ; jsonValues = this.addVariable(jsonValues, objectVariable, component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues) jsonQuery.where.push(jsonValues) ; } break; case Config.AUTOCOMPLETE_PROPERTY: if (component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues.length > 1) { // add values clause if we have more than 1 values var jsonValues = this.initValues() ; jsonValues = this.addVariable(jsonValues, objectVariable, component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues) jsonQuery.where.push(jsonValues) ; } break; case Config.TIME_PROPERTY_PERIOD: case Config.TIME_PROPERTY_YEAR: case Config.TIME_PROPERTY_DATE: for (var key in component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues) { var value = component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues[key]; jsonQuery.where.push( this.initFilterTime(value.start, value.stop, objectVariable) ) ; } break; case Config.SEARCH_PROPERTY: var searchKey = component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues[0] ; jsonFilter = this.initFilterSearch(searchKey, objectVariable) ; jsonQuery.where.push(jsonFilter) ; break; case Config.GRAPHDB_SEARCH_PROPERTY: var searchKey = component.CriteriaGroup.EndClassWidgetGroup.selectedValues[0] ; jsonQuery = this.updateGraphDbPrefixes(jsonQuery); var connectorName = this.localName(rangeClass); var fieldName = this.localName(property); var searchVariable = subjectVariable+"Search"; newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(searchVariable, this.typePredicate, ""+connectorName)) ; // add literal triple newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(searchVariable, "", fieldName+":"+searchKey, true)) ; newBasicGraphPattern.triples.push(this.buildTriple(searchVariable, "", subjectVariable)) ; break; default: console.log('Unknown widget type when generating SPARQL : '+_WidgetType); } } return jsonQuery; } GetDependantCriteria(thisForm_, id) { var dependant = null ; var dep_id = null ; var element = thisForm_._this.find('li[data-index="'+id+'"]') ; if ($(element).parents('li').length > 0) { dep_id = $($(element).parents('li')[0]).attr('data-index') ; dependant = {type : 'parent'} ; } else { if ($(element).prev().length > 0) { dep_id = $(element).prev().attr('data-index') ; dependant = {type : 'sibling'} ; } } $(thisForm_.components).each(function(index) { if (this.index == dep_id) { dependant.element = this.CriteriaGroup ; } }) ; return dependant ; } newQueryJson() { var jsonQuery = { "queryType": "SELECT"+((this.addDistinct)?' DISTINCT':'')+"", "variables": [ "?this" ], "where": [], "type": "query", "prefixes": { "rdf": "", "rdfs": "", "xsd": "" } }; // add additionnal prefixes for (var key in this.additionnalPrefixes) { jsonQuery.prefixes[key] = this.additionnalPrefixes[key]; } return jsonQuery; } initBasicGraphPattern() { return { "type": "bgp", "triples": [] } ; } initValues() { return { "type": "values", "values": [] } ; } initFilterTime(StartYear, EndYear, index) { var filters = new Array ; if (StartYear != null) { filters.push( { "type": "operation", "operator": ">=", "args": [ ""+index+"", "\""+StartYear+"\"^^" ] }) ; } if (EndYear != null) { filters.push( { "type": "operation", "operator": "<=", "args": [ ""+index+"", "\""+EndYear+"\"^^" ] }) ; } if (filters.length == 2 ) { return { "type": "filter", "expression": { "type": 'operation', "operator": "&&", "args": filters } } ; } else { return { "type": "filter", "expression": filters[0] } ; } } initFilterSearch(texte, variable) { return { "type": "filter", "expression": { "type": "operation", "operator": "regex", "args": [ ""+variable+"", "\""+texte+"\"", "\"i\"" ] } } ; } buildTriple(subjet, predicate, object, literalObject=false) { // encapsulates the object in quotes so that it is interpreted as a literal var objectValue = (literalObject)?"\""+object+"\"":object; var triple = { "subject": subjet, "predicate": predicate, "object": objectValue, } ; return triple; } addVariable(jsonValues, name, valueUrl) { $.each(valueUrl, function( index, value ) { var newValue = { } ; newValue[name] = value ; jsonValues.values.push(newValue) ; }); return jsonValues ; } addVariableDate(json, name, valueUrl) { var newValue = { }; newValue[name] = valueUrl ; json.where[1].values.push(newValue) ; return json ; } localName(uri) { if (uri.indexOf("#") > -1) { return uri.split("#")[1] ; } else { var components = uri.split("/") ; return components[components.length - 1] ; } } updateGraphDbPrefixes(jsonQuery) { jsonQuery.prefixes.inst = ""; jsonQuery.prefixes.lucene = ""; return jsonQuery ; } } module.exports = { DefaultQueryGenerator: DefaultQueryGenerator }