# application name appName: nginx # host host: myapp.example.org # Set true to use a statefullset instead of a deployment stateful: false # number of replicas replicas: 1 # Volume used to persist data volume: {} # name: data # mountPath: /data # size: 1Gi # storageClass: # accessMode: ReadWriteOnce # Exposed port port: 80 # image image: repo: nginx tag: latest pullPolicy: Always # override container command # command: [] # override container args # args: [] # add a pod securityContext # securityContext: # runAsUser: 1000 # runAsGroup: 1000 # fsGroup: 1000 # Environment variable to configure app env: {} # NAME: VALUE # Secret environment variable to configure app # The following env will be stored in a k8s secret secretEnv: {} # NAME: VALUE # Specify resources for the container resources: {} # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 150Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 512Mi # Configure service service: enabled: true # Configure nginx ingress ingress: enabled: true clusterIssuer: "letsencrypt-staging" tlsSecret: true path: / annotations: {} # noindex: true corsAllowOrigin: false # can be false, "*", "toto.example.org" … redirectToFromWww: false # Additional ingresses additionalIngresses: [] # - name: toto # host: toto.fr # path: /toto # annotations: {} # Readiness probe readinessProbe: enabled: true path: "/" # Use this value to specify another port to listen # port: 80 # Liveness probe livenessProbe: enabled: false path: "/" # Use this value to specify another port to listen # port: 80 # Docker registry credentials registryCred: {} # registry: registry.exemple.org # username: user # password: password # mountConfigMaps: {} # config.yaml: # mountPath: /etc/project/config.yaml # data: |- # some content