# HG changeset patch
# User Arthur Lutz <arthur.lutz@logilab.fr>
# Date 1465391900 -7200
#      Wed Jun 08 15:18:20 2016 +0200
# Node ID cc6df274a4ca975f55875e6618dd723fba8a002f
# Parent  f69eb7eca7c06b9bbf027641857d60fddfc77623
[ccplugin] dry-run for bulk import too

diff --git a/ccplugin.py b/ccplugin.py
--- a/ccplugin.py
+++ b/ccplugin.py
@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@
 # TODO optimisation : json serialize on one side, send to ES on the other
 # TODO progress bar
-def bulk_actions(rset, index_name, etype):
+def bulk_actions(rset, index_name, etype, dry_run=False):
     for entity in rset.entities():
         serializer = entity.cw_adapt_to('ISerializable')
         json = serializer.serialize()
-        yield {'_op_type': 'index',
-               '_index': index_name,
-               '_type': etype,
-               '_id': entity.eid,
-               '_source': json
-               }
+        if not dry_run:
+            yield {'_op_type': 'index',
+                   '_index': index_name,
+                   '_type': etype,
+                   '_id': entity.eid,
+                   '_source': json
+                   }
 class IndexInES(Command):
@@ -82,12 +83,13 @@
                     if self.config.debug:
                         print(u'indexing {} {}'.format(etype, len(rset)))
                     if self.config.bulk:
-                        # success, failed = bulk(es, bulk_actions(rset, index_name, etype))
-                        # if self.config.debug:
-                        #     print(u'ES bulk : {} success {} failed'.format(success, failed))
-                        list(parallel_bulk(es, bulk_actions(rset, index_name, etype),
-                                           raise_on_error=False,
-                                           raise_on_exception=False))
+                        for x in parallel_bulk(es, bulk_actions(rset,
+                                                                index_name,
+                                                                etype,
+                                                                dry_run=self.config.dry_run),
+                                               raise_on_error=False,
+                                               raise_on_exception=False):
+                            pass
                         for entity in rset.entities():
                             # TODO add specific IFTIES adapter