# HG changeset patch
# User Arthur Lutz <arthur.lutz@logilab.fr>
# Date 1463586684 -7200
#      Wed May 18 17:51:24 2016 +0200
# Node ID aea1ea565d4ef4f8a510a788e57a4d1b7b20f791
# Parent  21b992410538ea8da81ce788fbb410ca6166e392
skip indexing when locations and index-name are not configured

diff --git a/ccplugin.py b/ccplugin.py
--- a/ccplugin.py
+++ b/ccplugin.py
@@ -45,38 +45,41 @@
             config = cnx.vreg.config
             schema = cnx.vreg.schema
             locations = config['elasticsearch-locations']
-            index_name = config.get('index-name') or 'cubicweb'
-            es = Elasticsearch(locations and locations.split(',') or None)
-            if not self.config.dry_run:
-                # ignore 400 caused by IndexAlreadyExistsException when creating an
-                # index
-                es.indices.create(
-                    index=index_name, body=index_settings(), ignore=400)
+            index_name = config['index-name']
+            if locations and index_name:
+                es = Elasticsearch(locations)
+                if not self.config.dry_run:
+                    # ignore 400 caused by IndexAlreadyExistsException when creating an
+                    # index
+                    es.indices.create(
+                        index=index_name, body=index_settings(), ignore=400)
-            if self.config.debug:
-                print(u'found indexable_types {}'.format(
-                    ','.join(indexable_types(schema))))
-            for etype in indexable_types(schema):
-                rset = cnx.execute(
-                    'Any X WHERE X is %(etype)s' % {'etype': etype})
                 if self.config.debug:
-                    print(u'indexing {} {}'.format(etype, len(rset)))
-                for entity in rset.entities():
-                    # TODO add specific IFTIES adapter
-                    serializer = entity.cw_adapt_to('ISerializable')
-                    json = serializer.serialize()
-                    # TODO remove non indexable data or (better) serialize only
-                    if not self.config.dry_run:
-                        es.index(index=index_name, doc_type=etype, body=json)
-                    # TODO optimize with elasticsearch.helpers.bulk
-                    # or elasticsearch.helpers.parallel_bulk
-                    # or elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk
-                    # TODO optimisation : json serialize on one side, send to ES on the other
-                    # TODO progress bar
+                    print(u'found indexable_types {}'.format(
+                        ','.join(indexable_types(schema))))
+                for etype in indexable_types(schema):
+                    rset = cnx.execute(
+                        'Any X WHERE X is %(etype)s' % {'etype': etype})
                     if self.config.debug:
-                        print(u'.', end=u'')
+                        print(u'indexing {} {}'.format(etype, len(rset)))
+                    for entity in rset.entities():
+                        # TODO add specific IFTIES adapter
+                        serializer = entity.cw_adapt_to('ISerializable')
+                        json = serializer.serialize()
+                        # TODO remove non indexable data or (better) serialize only
+                        if not self.config.dry_run:
+                            es.index(index=index_name, doc_type=etype, body=json)
+                        # TODO optimize with elasticsearch.helpers.bulk
+                        # or elasticsearch.helpers.parallel_bulk
+                        # or elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk
+                        # TODO optimisation : json serialize on one side, send to ES on the other
+                        # TODO progress bar
+                        if self.config.debug:
+                            print(u'.', end=u'')
+                    if self.config.debug:
+                        print(u'')
+            else:
                 if self.config.debug:
-                    print(u'')
+                    print(u'no elasticsearch configuration found, skipping')
diff --git a/hooks.py b/hooks.py
--- a/hooks.py
+++ b/hooks.py
@@ -46,13 +46,14 @@
     def __call__(self):
         locations = self._cw.vreg.config['elasticsearch-locations']
         index_name = self._cw.vreg.config['index-name']
-        serializer = self.entity.cw_adapt_to('ISerializable')
-        json = serializer.serialize()
-        es = Elasticsearch(locations and locations.split(',') or None)
-        try:
-            # TODO option pour coté async ?
-            es.index(index=index_name,
-                     doc_type=self.entity.cw_etype,
-                     body=json)
-        except (ConnectionError, ProtocolError):
-            log.debug('Failed to index in hook, could not connect to ES')
+        if locations and index_name:
+            serializer = self.entity.cw_adapt_to('ISerializable')
+            json = serializer.serialize()
+            es = Elasticsearch(locations and locations.split(','))
+            try:
+                # TODO option pour coté async ?
+                es.index(index=index_name,
+                         doc_type=self.entity.cw_etype,
+                         body=json)
+            except (ConnectionError, ProtocolError):
+                log.debug('Failed to index in hook, could not connect to ES')
diff --git a/site_cubicweb.py b/site_cubicweb.py
--- a/site_cubicweb.py
+++ b/site_cubicweb.py
@@ -3,15 +3,17 @@
      {'type': 'string',
       'default': '',
       'help': 'Elastic Search location (eg., '
-              'this can be a list of locations (,,'
-              ' you can also include the scheme (eg. ',
+              'this can be a list of locations (,, '
+              'you can also include the scheme (eg. '
+              'warning: if this is not defined indexing will be disabled (no localhost default)',
       'group': 'elasticsearch',
       'level': 5,
      {'type': 'string',
-      'default': 'cubicweb',
-      'help': 'Elastic Search index name (eg. cubicweb)',
+      'default': '',
+      'help': 'Elastic Search index name (eg. cubicweb)'
+              'warning: if this is not defined indexing will be disabled (no index name default)',
       'group': 'elasticsearch',
       'level': 5,
diff --git a/test/test_elastic_search.py b/test/test_elastic_search.py
--- a/test/test_elastic_search.py
+++ b/test/test_elastic_search.py
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
         self.orig_config_for = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for
         config_for = lambda appid: self.config  # noqa
         CubicWebConfiguration.config_for = staticmethod(config_for)
+        self.config['elasticsearch-locations'] = ''
+        self.config['index-name'] = 'unittest_index_name'
     def to_test_etypes(self):
         with self.admin_access.repo_cnx() as cnx:
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@
             self.assert_(cnx.execute('Any X WHERE X is %(etype)s' %
                                      {'etype': indexable_types(cnx.repo)[0]}))
-            ignore=400, index='cubicweb', body=index_settings())
+            ignore=400, index='unittest_index_name', body=index_settings())
         # TODO ? check called data