# HG changeset patch
# User David Douard <david.douard@logilab.fr>
# Date 1488269947 -3600
#      Tue Feb 28 09:19:07 2017 +0100
# Node ID 3d097513f4dd18e7be03dd4d6e5793cb78441d39
# Parent  da3ef51e1b4e4e3c12c5c1378e07b350555cb253
[ccplugin] add a --loglevel cmd line option

diff --git a/ccplugin.py b/ccplugin.py
--- a/ccplugin.py
+++ b/ccplugin.py
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 from elasticsearch.helpers import parallel_bulk
-from cubicweb.cwctl import CWCTL
-from cubicweb.utils import admincnx
+from cubicweb.cwctl import CWCTL, init_cmdline_log_threshold
+from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration as cwcfg
 from cubicweb.toolsutils import Command
 from cubes.elasticsearch.es import indexable_types, fulltext_indexable_rql
@@ -34,12 +34,15 @@
     arguments = '<instance id>'
     options = [
-         {'type': 'yn', 'default': False,
+         {'action': 'store_true', 'default': False,
+          'short': 'N',
           'help': 'set to True if you want to skip the insertion in ES'}),
-         {'type': 'yn', 'default': False,
-          'help': ('set to True if you want to print '
-                   'out debug info and progress')}),
+         {'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'short': 'D',
+          'help': ('shortcut for --loglevel=debug')}),
+        ('loglevel',
+         {'short': 'l', 'type': 'choice', 'metavar': '<log level>',
+          'default': None, 'choices': ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error')}),
          {'type': 'csv', 'default': '',
           'help': 'only index given etypes [default:all indexable types]'}),
@@ -56,12 +59,18 @@
     def run(self, args):
         """run the command with its specific arguments"""
         appid = args.pop(0)
-        with admincnx(appid) as cnx:
+        if self['debug']:
+            self['loglevel'] = 'debug'
+        config = cwcfg.config_for(appid, debugmode=self['loglevel'])
+        if self['loglevel']:
+            init_cmdline_log_threshold(config, self['loglevel'])
+        with config.repository().internal_cnx() as cnx:
             schema = cnx.vreg.schema
             indexer = cnx.vreg['es'].select('indexer', cnx)
             es = indexer.get_connection()
             if self.config.index_name:
+                cnx.info('create ES index {}'.format(self.config.index_name))
             if es:
                 if self.config.etypes:
@@ -70,8 +79,8 @@
                     etypes = indexable_types(
                         schema, custom_skip_list=self.config.except_etypes)
                     assert self.config.except_etypes not in etypes
-                if self.config.debug and not self.config.etypes:
-                    print(u'found indexable_types {}'.format(
+                if not self.config.etypes:
+                    cnx.debug(u'found indexable types: {}'.format(
                 for _ in parallel_bulk(
                         es, self.bulk_actions(etypes, cnx,
@@ -80,18 +89,19 @@
+                print(_)
-                if self.config.debug:
-                    print(u'no elasticsearch configuration found, skipping')
+                cnx.info(u'no elasticsearch configuration found, skipping')
-    def bulk_actions(self, etypes, cnx,
-                     index_name=None, dry_run=False):
+    def bulk_actions(self, etypes, cnx, index_name=None, dry_run=False):
+        if index_name is None:
+            index_name = cnx.vreg.config['index-name']
         for etype in etypes:
             rql = fulltext_indexable_rql(etype, cnx.vreg.schema)
             rset = cnx.execute(rql)
-            if self.config.debug:
-                print(u'indexing {} {}'.format(etype, len(rset)))
-                print(u'RQL : {}'.format(rql))
+            cnx.info(u'[{}] indexing {} {} entities'.format(index_name, len(rset), etype))
+            cnx.debug(u'RQL: {}'.format(rql))
             for entity in rset.entities():
                 serializer = entity.cw_adapt_to('IFullTextIndexSerializable')
                 json = serializer.serialize()