"""entity classes for Comment entities :organization: Logilab :copyright: 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" from logilab.common.textutils import normalize_text from rql import TypeResolverException from cubicweb.view import EntityView from cubicweb.selectors import is_instance from cubicweb.entities import AnyEntity, fetch_config from cubicweb.entities.adapters import ITreeAdapter def subcomments_count(commentable): return sum([len(commentable.reverse_comments)] + [subcomments_count(c) for c in commentable.reverse_comments]) class Comment(AnyEntity): """customized class for Comment entities""" __regid__ = 'Comment' fetch_attrs, fetch_order = fetch_config(('creation_date',), 'creation_date', order='ASC') def dc_title(self): return u'#%s' % self.eid def dc_description(self, format='text/plain'): return self.printable_value('content', format=format) subcomments_count = subcomments_count class CommentITreeAdapter(ITreeAdapter): __select__ = is_instance('Comment') tree_relation = 'comments' # some views potentially needed on web *and* server side (for notification) # so put them here class CommentFullTextView(EntityView): __regid__ = 'fulltext' __select__ = is_instance('Comment') def cell_call(self, row, col, indentlevel=0, withauthor=True): e = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row,col) if indentlevel: indentstr = '>'*indentlevel + ' ' else: indentstr = '' if withauthor: _ = self._cw._ author = e.created_by and e.created_by[0].login or _("Unknown author") head = u'%s%s - %s :' % (indentstr, _('On %s') % self._cw.format_date(e.creation_date, time=True), _('%s wrote') % author) lines = [head] else: lines = [] content = e.printable_value('content', format='text/plain') lines.append(normalize_text(content, 80, indentstr, rest=e.content_format=='text/rest')) lines.append(indentstr[:-2]) self.w(u'\n'.join(lines)) class CommentFullThreadText(CommentFullTextView): """display a comment and its parents""" __regid__ = 'fullthreadtext' def cell_call(self, row, col): e = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row,col) strings = [] itree = e.cw_adapt_to('ITree') cpath = itree.path()[1:] indentlevel = len(cpath) - 1 for i, ceid in enumerate(cpath): try: comment = self._cw.execute('Any C,T,D WHERE C creation_date D, C content T, C eid %(x)s', {'x': ceid}, build_descr=True).get_entity(0, 0) except TypeResolverException: # not a comment break strings.append(comment.view('fulltext', indentlevel=indentlevel-i, withauthor=i!=indentlevel).strip() + '\n') strings.append(u'\n%s: %s' % (self._cw._('i18n_by_author_field'), e.dc_creator() or _('unknown author'))) strings.append(u'url: %s' % itree.root().absolute_url()) self.w(u'\n'.join(strings)) class CommentFullThreadDescText(CommentFullTextView): """same as fullthreadtext, but going from top level object to leaf comments """ __regid__ = 'fullthreadtext_descending' def cell_call(self, row, col, indentlevel=0): e = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row,col) self.w(e.view('fulltext', indentlevel=indentlevel).strip() + '\n') subcommentsrset = e.related('comments', 'object') if subcommentsrset: self.wview('fulltext', subcommentsrset, indentlevel=indentlevel+1)