--- default: image: python:3.7 include: - project: "open-source/gitlab-ci-templates" ref: "branch/v2" file: - "templates/base.yml" # mandatory base template - "templates/no-duplicated-ci-pipelines.yml" # use workflow to avoid duplicated pipelines - "templates/lint/twine-check.yml" # will run twine check to see if pypi won't reject the package - "templates/lint/check-dependencies-resolution.yml" # will run pip-compile -n to check if dependencies are compatibles - "templates/lint/safety.yml" # will run 'safety check --full-report' on the installed project - "templates/lint/flake8.yml" # will do the equivalent of 'tox -e flake8' - "templates/lint/black.yml" # will do the equivalent of 'tox -e black' - "templates/lint/check-manifest.yml" # will do the equivalent of 'tox -e check-manifest' - "templates/lint/mypy.yml" # will do the equivalent of 'tox -e mypy' - "templates/lint/yamllint.yml" # will do the equivalent of 'tox -e yamllint' - "templates/tests/py3.yml" # will do the equivalent of 'tox -e py3' - "templates/create-release-on-heptapod.yml" # this will create a release on heptapod - "templates/upload-to-pypi.yml" # on a new mercurial tag (expected to be done with release-new), will push a release on pypi # - "templates/lint/mypy.yml" # will do the equivalent of 'tox -e mypy' # - "templates/upload-python-package-to-heptapod.yml" # upload the package to heptapod registry on new tag stages: - lint - tests - release - publish