# HG changeset patch
# User afayolle
# Date 1252568978 -7200
#      Thu Sep 10 09:49:38 2009 +0200
# Node ID 1166c3771d9771ecae7e2e6c71ce882e4522ed2f
# Parent  c732fac8f916459c37608c1d7d82479f868bc571
updated to enable windows build with mingw32

diff --git a/__pkginfo__.py b/__pkginfo__.py
--- a/__pkginfo__.py
+++ b/__pkginfo__.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 pyversions = ['2.4']
-import os, subprocess
+import os, subprocess, sys
 from distutils.core import Extension
 include_dirs = []
@@ -55,9 +55,19 @@
 GECODE_VERSION = encode_version(*gecode_version())
-ext_modules = [Extension('rql_solve',
-                         ['gecode_solver.cpp'],
-                         libraries=['gecodeint', 'gecodekernel', 'gecodesearch'],
-                         extra_compile_args=['-DGE_VERSION=%s' % GECODE_VERSION],
+if sys.platform != 'win32':
+    ext_modules = [Extension('rql_solve',
+                             ['gecode_solver.cpp'],
+                              libraries=['gecodeint', 'gecodekernel', 
+                                         'gecodesearch','gecodesupport'],
+                             extra_compile_args=['-DGE_VERSION=%s' % GECODE_VERSION],
-               ]
+                   ]
+    ext_modules = [ Extension('rql_solve',
+                              ['gecode_solver.cpp'],
+                              libraries=['gecodeint', 'gecodekernel', 
+                                         'gecodesearch','gecodesupport'],
+                              extra_compile_args=['-DGE_VERSION=%s' % GECODE_VERSION],
+                              extra_link_args=['-static-libgcc'],
+                ]
\ No newline at end of file